Strong Directing Choices Make for a Clear Message: Force Majeure

Swedish writer and director, Ruben Ostlund, makes a statement about the societal norms and expectations of the nuclear family in his black dramedy Force Majeure (2014). The film focuses on a seemingly perfect swiss family ski vacation, until an avalanche poses a threat to the family and the father flees the scene to save himself.…

Arabs & Muslims in Cinema

At last year’s Oscars, race was a hot topic. The media always discusses black and white, but fails to confront one of the biggest issues of underrepresentation in today’s society, Muslims and Arabs. For one, it is important to point out that these two terms are not synonymous. However, in today’s television and movies, these…

Summer ’16

Seeing as how I haven’t posted for quite a long stretch (I am so very sorry) I think it is necessary to address all that has happened in my time away. For one thing, I did not watch nearly as much TV as I would have liked. Instead of relaxing this summer, I worked a…

Freaks and Geeks

NBC’s short lived Freaks and Geeks could have been a hit. The show lasted only 18 episodes before it was cancelled. The show followed teenager Lindsay, a “good girl,” who finds her place in high school with the stereotypical “freak” friend group. Lindsay’s younger brother Sam is also trying to find his way but finds…

New Girl

Fox’s New Girl is the present day Friends. A group of friends with different personalities living in the city as they settle down, fall in love, have some problems, and have some fun. The show begins when Jessica Day is looking for a new place to live after breaking up with a long term boyfriend.She…

An Admiration for Screenwriters

Here I am staring at a blank screen with ideas swirling around my head. I have a concept in mind, scenes and characters thought up from my own experiences and imagination. But the most impossible thing about screenwriting in my opinion is thinking up the dialogue. When an audience is watching a television show or a…

Family Guy: The Adult Arthur

Your favorite childhood show and your favorite adult cartoon are more similar than you think. First of all the houses: a green roof with yellow siding A white (or aardvark) nuclear family   You’ve got the red collared dogs: Pal and Brian …who are two peas in a pod with the babies of the family:…

Alternative Endings of 11.22.63

*Does contain spoilers* If you’ve finished 11.22.63, the ending became completely romantic. When I began watching the show, I expected the show to stay on the historical science fiction thriller path, but come the end of the show all that mattered was Jake’s love for Sadie.  I see exactly what the intention of the ending was.…


Based on a novel by Stephen King, published in 2011, Hulu released a short series starring James Franco as Jake Epping in 11.22.63. Jake, the show’s protagonist, is a recently divorced english teacher who learns that his friend’s diner has a time portal that will take him back to 1960. Al, the owner of the diner,…